Thursday, September 5, 2013

So this is a thing that came out of somewhere

Imagine my surprise today when I started to see people like Felicia Day tweeting about this music video and soon I saw a lot of other people doing the same. What can I say, it's catchy, makes no sense and is going to a very popular 15 minutes for this group.

Robocop remake trailer is out!

     The trailer for the remake of Robocop has hit the internet today and in my opinion it looks good. It seems as if the focus is going to be on regaining his human side more than they did in the original. We all know it is not going to be as good as the first one, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to remake it and giving it another perspective. I am looking forward to this now. 

Robocop is filled with a ton of well known names such as Michael Keaton, Sam Jackson, Gary OIdman, Jay Baruchel and Jackie Earle Haley. 

Bringing this back because, why not?

Thinking of giving the blogging thing about things that interest me back just for the fun of it, if you are reading this thank you.